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Learner Workshops

Dear Educator 


The African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme (ACEP) Environmental Education and Training take this opportunity to introduce our learner workshops and talkshops to you. We would love to facilitate a workshop or talkshop in your area. Below, please find information on each workshop and talkshop in terms of equipment required, no of learners, age of learners, etc. All costs are to recoup actual expenditure on resources used or provided.


Build your own underwater glider

Grade: 8 –10

No of learners per workshop: 35

Time required: 1.5 – 2 hours depending on level of learners

Cost: R7.50 per learner

In this workshop learners will build a resurfacing glider and learn about buoyancy, Newton’s laws and other factors that enable a craft to move through water.  Learners will also gain insight into underwater exploration and how it is used in ACEP.

In this workshop learners will use craft knives, glue guns and follow directions from a diagram and in so doing allows for assessment of Technology learning areas.

Requirements: working plug points and workbenches.

Build your Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV)

Grade: 7 – 8

No of learners per workshop: 35

Time required: 1 – 1.5 hours depending on level of learners

Cost: R30.00 per learner

ROV’s are used to explore the ocean depths and in this workshop learners will use a 2 litre plastic bottle and propeller to build their own ROV (please note they do not build the electronics). Learners will gain insight into Newton’s Laws, movement of an object through water, underwater exploration and how these are used in ACEP.

In this workshop learners will use craft knives, glue guns and follow directions from a diagram and in so doing allows for assessment of Technology learning areas. Learners will also have an ROV that can be assessed at the end of the workshop.

Requirements: Working Plug points and workbenches.

Ocean Currents and El Nino

Grade: 8 & 9

No of learners per workshop: 25 – 40

Time required: 1 – 1.5 hours

Cost: R5.50 per learner

The mixing of warm and cold water drives Ocean currents and El Nino. In this workshop learners get the opportunity to see for themselves the effect of warm and cold water in the oceans and how these relate to climate. Learners will also get the opportunity to see what effect salinity has on the density of the seawater.

This workshop will meet the Natural Science Assessment Standards: Scientific Information (Grade 8 AS2 & AS3 and Grade 9 AS2).

Requirements: Workbenches, access to taps, ice cubes and kettle for warmer water.

Careers Video

Grade: 8 –12

No of learners: max 40

Time requirements: 1.5 – 2 hours

Cost: R3.50 per learner

ACEP has produced a careers video focusing on careers in the marine environment. The sections focus on careers in harbours and ports; careers in shipping, careers in the physical sciences i.e. oceanography and careers in the biological sciences i.e. marine biology. In this workshop one section will be used as the focus (depending on your requirements). Learners will watch the video relating to the focus area and then do the activities for that section.

This workshop would meet Life Orientation Outcomes and Assessment Standards.

Requirements: TV & video machine OR data projector


Grade: All

No of Learners: Numbers depend on school requirements

Time required: depending on school (15 minutes to 45 minutes)

Cost: R1.00 per learner

Talkshops are aimed at larger numbers of learners. In a talkshop, aspects of ACEP as well as information about the coelacanths, their discovery, biology, etc will be discussed.

Depending on the time allowed and the audience, the talkshops will be as interactive as possible.

ACEP will focus the talkshop to meet the requirements of the school.

Requirements: Venue, data projector

The African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme will organise:

·        Our own transport & accommodation for the presenter to the city and venue

·        Provide resources such as pens, glue, scissors, glue guns to conduct the workshop

Your organization / school / department will need to provide the following:

·        Venue

·        Learners (numbers depending on workshop)

·        Resources as stipulated and based on workshop

Thank you for your interest in our programme and we look forward to working with you in the near future.

Yours faithfully


Training Co-ordinator: Environmental Education, Awareness and Training

African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

Fax: 041 – 584 0661

Cell: 084 581 1828


Manager: Environmental Education, Awareness and Training

African Coelacanth Ecosystem Programme

Tel: 041 – 584 0650

Cell: 084 657 3766

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